Everything Grows Together
Written by Fred Rogers | © 1968, Fred M. Rogers
Everything grows together
Because you're all one piece.
Your nose grows
As the rest of you grows
Because you're all one piece.
Everything grows together
Because you're all one piece.
Your ears grow
As your nose grows
As the rest of you grows
Because you're all one piece.
Everything grows together
Because you're all one piece.
Your arms grow
As your ears grow
As your nose grows
As the rest of you grows
Because you're all one piece.
Everything grows together
Because you're all one piece.
Your hands grow
As your arms grow
As your ears grow
As your nose grows
As the rest of you grows
Because you're all one piece.
Everything grows together
Because you're all one piece.
Your fingers grow
As your hands grow
As your arms grow
As your ears grow
As your nose grows
As the rest of you grows
Because you're all one piece.
Everything grows together
Because you're all one piece.
Your legs grow
As your fingers grow
As your hands grow
As your arms grow
As your ears grow
As your nose grows
As the rest of you grows
Because you're all one piece.
Everything grows together
Because you're all one piece.
Your feet grow
As your legs grow
As your fingers grow
As your hands grow
As your arms grow
As your ears grow
As your nose grows
As the rest of you grows
Because you're all one piece.
Everything grows together
Because you're all one piece.
Your toes grow
As your feet grow
As your legs grow
As your fingers grow
As your hands grow
As your arms grow
As your ears grow
As your nose grows
As the rest of you grows
Because you're all one piece.
Mister Rogers' Neighborhood
CDs, Records, and Tapes