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Episode 0111

Air Date: July 22, 1968
Previous Episode: 0110
Next Episode: 0112

Mister Rogers has been thinking about pianos and arrives with a flashlight which he uses to look inside his own piano. Showing the hammers and strings, Mister Rogers uses a model to explain how the piano parts make music. Picture Picture shows a film about how people make pianos before Mister Rogers sings Everybody's Fancy.

In the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, Van Cliburn performs on the piano for King Friday and Sara Saturday. He describes how he learned to play the piano as a young boy.

Lady Aberlin stops by Mister Rogers' house to borrow a pair of earmuffs. It is very noisy at Someplace Else and Donkey Hodie cannot sleep so Lady Aberlin would like to let him use the earmuffs.

At Someplace Else, Donkey Hodie is tired because Lady Elaine Fairchilde is continually tuning her piano at night. Lady Aberlin explains what it means to be a good neighbor and they come to the agreement that Lady Elaine will only work on her piano during the day.


Clearly a fan of Mr. Cliburn, Sara Saturday has a copy of one of his records: Tchaikovsky Concerto No. 1.

Color versions of Mr. Cliburn's performance at the castle and the film about pianos are shown on Episode 1062.

Appearing In This Episode


  • Van Cliburn




Episode Credits

Produced by WQED - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania for National Educational Television
Neighbors: Betty Aberlin, Van Cliburn
Film: Diana Dean, George Boyle
Musical Director: Johnny Costa
Producer: Fred Rogers
Director: David Fu-Ying Chen
Executive Producer: Paul K. Taff

Production funds for this series were provided by a grant from The Sears-Roebuck Foundation and a children's program fund established by N.E.T. affiliated stations.

© 1968 National Educational Television and Radio Center

Content copyright © The Fred Rogers Company. Used with permission.
Corner image by Spencer Fruhling. Used with permission.
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