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Flying Flapjacks

Episode: 102a
Air Date: May 3, 2021
Previous Episode: 101b - A Fair Way To Bounce
Next Episode: 102b - Pickle Penguin Problem
Purchase/Stream: Amazon

Donkey Hodie is making a surprise breakfast for Grampy Hodie -- flying flapjacks -- and she's doing it all by herself. As she begins preparing the flapjacks, any and every ingredient available is added to a bowl including pineapple, watermelon, and coconut. When the "flapjacks" come out of the oven, Donkey finds nothing but a colorful and sticky blob.

Duck Duck suggests following a recipe which proves to be very helpful in preparing the surprise breakfast. Although she adds the correct ingredients, Donkey does not measure what she adds to the bowl and ends up making one massive flapjack. Bob Dog offers his help in measuring the ingredients. Thinking about the process, Donkey Hodie realizes that even though she thought she was making the breakfast by herself, she needed the help of others afterall.

Asking for the help of her friends to make one final batch of flapjacks, they recite the Flying Flapjack Flying Rhyme. The flapjacks take to the sky just in time for Grampy Hodie to arrive for his surprise breakfast.


Appearing In This Episode


Flying Flapjack Flying Rhyme:

Flying flapjacks on my dish
Listen to my greatest wish
Want to see you in the sky
Flying flapjacks, time to fly

The storyline from this episode is featured in the book Flying Flapjacks!.



Episode Credits

Created by Adam Rudman & David Rudman
Developed by Ellen Doherty
Inspired by the work of Fred Rogers

© 2021 The Fred Rogers Company

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Corner image by Spencer Fruhling. Used with permission.
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