Tell Me, Mister Rogers
Date: 1975
Author: Fred Rogers
Photographs: Sheldon Secunda
Publisher: Platt & Munk
Series: A Child Guidance Book
ISBN: 0822872412
Purchase: Amazon (Hardcover)

Copyright © 1975 by Fred M. Rogers
Tell Me, Mister Rogers includes discussion on the following topics:
- Learning to Read
- Sleeping Away from Home
- Going to the Dentist
- Thunder and Lightning
- When Pets Die
- Nobody Feels Perfect
Message to Parents (from Margaret McFarland, Ph.D.):
Children have amazing resources for coping with life when they and their adults are in warm communication with each other.
A father said to me, "I am often at a loss for the right words to talk with my little boy. I don't want to talk down to him, but I don't want to use words that are too hard for him either. Since I've watched MIster Rogers talking to children on television, I've gotten som ideas of my own about how to answer my boy's questions, and how to tell him about things that I know are important to him even when he doesn't ask."
TELL ME, MISTER ROGERS is a book for parents and children to enjoy together. Each chapter is about experiences children often have, like sleeping away from hom or going to the dentist. Some are about family experiences that children share with adults, such as the death of a pet, or overcoming the fear of thunder and lightning. Mister Rogers offers these discussions not as a substitute for parents and children talking with each other about these important events, but rather as a way of introducing subjects that parents and children will be discussing together. Although there are common experiences and worries that all children share, each child and his family have special things that are unique to them. Mister Rogers' book is offered to families as a support in open communication between children and parents about things that are important to them as they develop.