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Be My Neighbor

Date: 2005
Author: Maya Ajmera & John D. Ivanko
Publisher: Charlesbridge / Global Fund for Children
ISBN: 9781570916854
Purchase: Amazon (Paperback) | eBay


Be My Neighbor was developed by the Global Fund for Children, a nonprofit organization committed to advancing the dignity of children and youth around the world. Global Fund for Children books teach young people to value diversity and help them become productive and caring global citizens.


Be My Neighbor is a book about global "neighbors" encouraging young readers to love and appreciate their fellow beings.

Words of Wisdom from Fred Rogers

On our television program, Mister Rogers' Neighborhood, I sing "Won't you be my neighbor?" Neighbors are people who care about and help each other. Sometimes they live in the same real neighborhood. But they can also be "neighbors" even if they live far away. They might live in a different country, where people talk differently or wear different clothes or eat different foods, but they can still be our "neighbors." They can still be people we care about, just because they're human beings.

Every person in this world started out as a baby needing food and diapers and a place to sleep and most of all -- love. In fact, every person started out just like you. As different as we are from one another, as unique as each one of us is, we are much more the same than we are different.

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