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You're Growing Chart

Date: 1974
Publisher: Small World Enterprises



The You're Growing Chart was produced in 1974 by Small World Enterprises. This chart is intended to track the growth and developments of children -- not just physically, but emotionally and socially as well. According to the back of the package:

This is one of a series of products developed in cooperation with Fred M. Rogers, creator of "Mister Rogers' Neighborhood," the award-winning public television program for children. Both the program and the materials based on it encourage children to be themselves, to imagine, to create, to cope with feelings and new ideas -- and through all these things, to learn and to grow.

Attached to the wall, this growing chart will provide a visual celebration of your child's growth -- not only in inches, but in physical skills, social development, inner growth, and other landmarks that give a feeling of pleasure and a sense of achievement. In years to come, the chart will be a permanent keepsake of one child's unique and special growth.

The stickers included obviously mark each year of a child's life, but the package also includes other stickers such as the ones seen below -- "I am 5 years old", "Sometimes I share my toys", I can use the telephone", and "I'm learning to wait on my turn." Also included in the 54 stickers were blank stickers for children to mark their own important achievements and events.

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Corner image by Spencer Fruhling. Used with permission.
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