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Color & Send Postcards

Date: 1992
Manufacturer: Sunstone Press
UPC: 749764006056


This package includes 4 crayons and 5 different cards with pictures from Mister Rogers' Neighbohrood plus 2 cards for your own designs.

Each card measures approximately 4.25 inches by 6 inches with the same images and text printed on the back of each.


The cards and crayons were originally packaged in a plastic bag and retailed for $4.95.


A Note From Mister Rogers

Dear Friends,

These picture postcards can help children make their own kind of communication, in pictures or in words, with the people they care about.

The line drawings on the front of the cards are for children to color or decorate in their own ways. It's not important that they stay within the lines for their coloring; what is important is that they feel good about making something that comes from within them ... and offering that gift of themselves to some special someone in their lives. We've also included two cards without drawings for children to design their own.

When we give children opportunities to communicate, we are letting them know how valuable their thoughts and feelings are. We hope these cards will be another part of your family's sharing communication.

Mister Rogers


A colorized version of the Henrietta Pussycat image in this set was also used for a Valentine's Day greeting card.

Content copyright © The Fred Rogers Company. Used with permission.
Corner image by Spencer Fruhling. Used with permission.
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